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Is-Saflenin is a Maltese solo story generation TTRPG set in a world deep underground. Can you make you way back to the surface? The game is inspired by Maltese history and folklore, taking its inspiration from prehistoric temples and its tales of giants, sorcerers, and the underworld.

Is-Saflenin is explicitly anti-canon, and we encourage you to tell your own stories of survival, escape, and underground wonder.

In this 20 page document, you'll find the rules, 9 pages of possible events in your underground adventure, designer's thoughts, and references.

Content Warnings: cave exploration and claustrophobia, depictions of death and human remains, depictions of hunger


Is-Saflenin hija lgħajba u avventura f'dinja taħt l-art. Jirnexxielek taħrab mill-għerien u terġa' lura lejn wiċċ l-art? Din il-logħba hija ispirata mill-istorja u l-folklor ta' Malta, u tieħu ideat mit-tempji preistoriċi u l-istejjer tal-ġganti, sħaħar, u d-dinja ta' taħt.

Il-lgħajba hija espliċitament kontra l-idea li għandek timxi mal-istess ideat. Anzi, nħeġġuk toħroġ bi ġrajjiet li jaqblu mal-istejjer ta' għajxien, ħrib u għeġubijiet ta' taħt l-art li tixtiequ li jintqalu fil-logħba tiegħek.

F'dan id-dokument ta' 20 paġna, tista' ssib ir-regoli tal-logħba, 9 paġni ta' ġrajjiet li kapaċi jseħħu fl-avventura tiegħek, ħsibijiet tal-fassal, u referenzi.

Twissijiet dwar il-Kontenut: esplorazzjoni ta' għerien u klawstrofobja, xbihat ta' mewt u l-fdalijiet tal-bnedmin, xbihat ta' ġuħ

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
AuthorGħar Gremxul
Tagsmalta, maltese, solo, Tabletop role-playing game, underground
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LanguagesEnglish, Maltese


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Is-Saflenin - English.pdf 3.3 MB
Is-Saflenin - Malti.pdf 3.3 MB

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