A downloadable game
Rewwixta is a solo story generation TTRPG where you recount tales of revolt, rebellion, and uprising against colonial powers. It is based on brilli, a Maltese folk game.
While Rewwixta is inspired by various historical rebellions carried out by the Maltese population, the game is explicitly anti-canon, and we encourage you to tell your own stories of colonial revolt.
12 page document, with 1.5 pages of image and academic references
Rewwixta hija lgħajba fejn jintqalu stejjer ta' assedji, ribelljonijiet, u rewwixti kontra setgħat kolonjali. M'hemmx bżonn parteċipanti oħra biex tilgħab Rewwixta; tista' tintlagħab minn persuna waħda. Il-lgħajba hija bbażata fuq il-logħba tal-brilli, logħba li hija parti mill-folklor Malti.
Għalkemm Rewwixta hija ispirata minn bosta rewwixti li saru Malta, il-lgħajba hija espliċitament kontra l-idea li għandek timxi mal-istess ideat. Anzi, nħeġġuk tirrakkonta stejjer ta' rewwixta li verament jistgħu jissejħu tiegħek.
Dokument ta' 12-il paġna, b'paġna u nofs ta' referenzi akkademiċi u referenzi għall-istampi li ntużaw
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Rating | Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars (18 total ratings) |
Author | Għar Gremxul |
Tags | brilli, malta, maltese, solo, Tabletop role-playing game |
Average session | About a half-hour |
Languages | English, Maltese |
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Kull kopja ta' Rewwixta li tixtri tgħin lil xi ħadd ieħor jixtri kopja għalihom jekk m'għandhomx il-mezzi biex. Jekk m'għandekx il-mezz biex tixtri kopja ta' Rewwixta bħalissa, tinkwieta xejn, u niżżel kopja minn hawn.
Development log
- Żidna l-Malti / We've Added MalteseAug 11, 2020
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This was really fun, especially given that I'm kind of a dice dragon, and scattering them was really fun. I did find it a little more satisfying using prism d4 in place of the usual pyramid d4.
Rewwixta is a solo story game inspired by anti-colonial uprisings in the Maltese Islands. The innovative mechanics cleverly combines polyhedral dice with inspirations from Brilli, a Maltese folk game.
Rewwixta is a cool narrative game about dice bowling and rebellion.
It's 11 pages, with some cool black and white art and a clean, readable layout.
Mechanically, Rewwixta is based on Brilli, a Maltese game with elements mirroring blackjack and bowling. In Rewwixta, instead of pins and a ball, you use dice, with the d20 filling the central role.
In Brilli, you want to knock over pins and get to exactly 21 points---but not go over---and Rewwixta both mirrors that and adds a twist.
Some of the dice-pins on the field represent locals. Some represent the sultan and his advisors. You want to increase the value of the locals' dice over that of the Sultan's so that you can overthrow him.
You get two passes to succeed, and then you narrate the result.
Overall, Rewwixta is a really cool concept, and I love dice bowling as a resolution mechanism. It mixes skill with luck and makes the game's single challenge, deposing the sultan, feel complex and interesting.
So if you like trpgs with physical elements, or if you want to learn about Brilli and Malta (there's tons of cited sources,) I encourage you to grab a copy.
Minor Issues:
-Page 5, Ending The Game, "Locals" Locals'
-I can't quite figure out the setup and resolution. The rules say that you roll the d20 into the other dice, and that you're trying to get the value of the locals over that of the sultan, but how does that work?
Do dice have the value of whatever's on their top face?
Are you trying to bump the dice hard enough that you knock them onto the right faces?
And if so, which number do they start with facing up?
And for dice that are hard to bump (d4s, d6s), do you have to knock them onto the right facing by rolling the d20 hard enough that it smashes into them, or can you pick the dice up and rotate them as long as your d20 bumps into them first?
Thanks for your review and for your comments!
I've updated Rewwixta to address the issues you've found (and rightfully so).